
Hi, I am Sarah, 

I am a product designer based in Denver passionate about design thinking and building badass products. My creativity is driven by curiosity, empathy, and ingenuity- I love solving complex problems and learning about new people and industries. 

After finishing my masters degree in user experience design, I worked on both web and streaming experiences at SlingTV. From there, I joined TalentReef, where I led the redesign of their legacy enterprise platform. 

Outside of design, I live for good coffee, craft cocktails, and sunny weather. I’m an avid reader and a huge hockey fan. Go Avs! 

I always love connecting with other professionals. If you want to geek out about design or chat about new opportunities feel free to reach out. 

Sarah is leaned against the wall overlooking Athens, she is wearing a green dress
I love to travel, this is me in Greece at the Acropolis.